Its been a very long time that I have posted something. I was creating certain batch files and came across the requirement of splitting strings and searching for specific strings. I thought of sharing the same to all, so that one can refer and get help in case one needs.
In order to split a string, one can use the FOR loop. The syntax of the command that one may use to split a string is as follows:
FOR /F "
Set of arguments to be used for splitting a string can be any combination of the below:
- delims=xxx : specifies a delimiter set. The default delimiters are space and tab (if not specified).
- tokens=x,y,m-n : specifies which tokens from each line are to be passed to the for body for each iteration. This will cause additional variable names to be allocated. The m-n form is a range, specifying the mth through the nth tokens. If the last character in the tokens= string is an asterisk, then an additional variable is allocated and receives the remaining text on the line after the last token parsed.
- usebackq : specifies that the new semantics are in force, where a back quoted string (`
`) is executed as a command and a single quoted string (' ') is a literal string command and allows the use of double quotes (" ") to quote file names in file-set.
Lets look into some examples now:
a) FOR /F %a in ("Testing this is a very simple task") do @echo %a
The above command would print Testing as output. That means, if you do not specify any argument, it would split the variable and set the value of variable %a as the first fragment.
b) FOR /F "tokens=1-7" %a in ("Testing this is a very simple task") do @echo %a %f %g
The above command would print "Testing simple task" as the output. When we specify the above command with tokens=1-7, it would split the string for each Space and assign it to a variable starting from %a. In detail, the command would set variables with values as follows:
%a = Testing
%b = this
%c = is
%d = a
%e = very
%f = simple
%g = task
In the above command, one can also set numerals as variables. i.e., FOR /F "tokens=1-7" %1 in ("Testing this is a very simple task") do @echo %1 %6 %7 is also a valid command and would return the same output.
c) Now we can use the "delims=" argument to specify any different delimiters based on which the string should be split. For example, the following command splits the string based on delimiter "," (comma).
FOR /F "tokens=1-7 delims=," %a in ("Testing,this,is,a,very,simple,task") do @echo %a %f %g
Output of the command would be same as that in example b.
d) Now, if you want to get a command executed and then split the output string, then use the command string within single back quotes ( '
FOR /F "tokens=1-2 delims=." %a in ('dir /b') do @echo %a would return all the file names without their extension.
or else,
one can force the new semantics and then insert the "usebackq" argument and specify the command within back-quotes (`
e) If you want to parse through a text file and then split strings with delimiters present in the lines, use the command without any quotes. Example: FOR /F "tokens=1-5 delims=," %a in (a.txt) do @echo %a
or else,
one can force the new semantics and then insert the "usebackq" argument and define the file name within double-quotes ("
f) If one uses the new semantics by inserting the "usebackq" argument, and wants to split a string, then the string should be provided between single quotes ('
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